Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

Cycle 1 - My Way

To conclude the very first cycle of ANTM, here is how things would have gone if I had the power over the judging panel.

Week 1 - J.Lo Bikinis

- Robin -

There is just no way around it, she didn't belong in this competition. And it's not because of her size, but her age- It showed in her photo this week, and it showed in all of her other shots after that one as well.

Week 2 - Stuff Magazine

- Nicole -

Her face just tends to look really harsh and manly in photos, and this week it was clearly apparent. Kesse also didn't do too well, but she has her fantastic first shot to fall back upon.

Week 3 - Snakes

- Ebony -

I love Ebony as a person, she was really entertaining. But safe for her second photo, I don't like any of her other shots, and this week she hit an all-time low.

Week 4 - Commercial

- Tessa -

I think Tessa is actually quite photogenic, but as well a bit on the bland side. I don't think her commercial would have been anything outstanding, so I send her home at this point.

Week 5 - Reebok

- Kesse -

Ever since Week 1 Kesse struggled to take a good photo, and this week her photo was just horrendous. She was such a cutie, but I cannot save her yet another week to hope for something semi-decent.

Week 6 - Lingerie in Paris

- Katie -

Yes, Katie is a bombshell and probably woould have rocked this shoot. But with the photoshoots on the show I'm not sure if she could have shown a great variety of things, and also I just like the other 4 girls more than her, they have more to offer.

Week 7 - Merit Diamonds

- Shannon -

Had she done the shoot I would have spared her over Elyse, but not doing the photoshoot is not a good thing when all the other girls are performing on a rather high level as well.

Week 8 - Finale

- Elyse -

Elyse is probably one of the most editorial girls to ever be on this show, but her attitude towards the go-sees people was not acceptable and she doesn't have the strongest body of work, either.

- Giselle -

I love me some Ginselle, but I think she wouldn't have been able to do better than Adrianne overall. Speaking of which...


- Adrianne -

100% deserving winner, she really owned all the girls this cycle. She overcame sickness, she showed her diversity in photos and she has the best portfolio. Great choice, this is when the ANTM winners actually made sense.

With this post, Cycle 1 is concluded. I hope you liked reading along, I will be back soon enough to cover the next Cycle :-)

Cycle 1 - Two for the Road

This week the remaining four girls had to shoot for a Diamond company, while being nekkid and covered in slime and mud. Robin and Shannon didn't do this because of their religious beliefs. I think it was an understandable excuse, but I feel like Shannon would have done it if Robin didn't start all the fuss. Anyway, the two girls who did do the shoot had fantastic photos to add to their portfolios.

1. Adrianne

This is the best photo of the Cycle if you ask me. It looks so expensive and effortless, I can't find aynthing wrong with it at all. And if Miss Adrianne knows one thing, it's getting naked.
2. Elyse

This is really awesome as well, I think it doesn't reach the level of expense Adrianne's does, but it's a hot shot of Elyse, who I wouldn't really consider to be the sexy type of girl. So, finally Robin was sent home. Thank god. I just wish Shannon did this shoot, she would've looked amazing for sure.

And while we're at it, the girls also did a simple black and white beauty shoot, here are the photos:

1. Shannon

This photo is awesome, I love how mesmerizing Shannon's eyes look, and she has a strong profile. The arms are really graceful as well and make this photo stand out.

2. Robin

Finally, the week she gets sent home, Robin comes up with an awesome photo. This is really stunning, she has an amazing profile. Too little too late, but this is a great shot.

3. Adrianne

There is another frame of her which is really stunning, but this is the one that was used during oanel I think. It's a good shot, but it lacks the power that Shannon and Robin's photo have.

4. Elyse

This is the only bad shot of this week, the angle just doesn't do her any favors. She almost looks like a depressed emo kid.

Cycle 1 - Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

Remember how I said this cycle consisted mainly of lingerie photos? Well, here's the next one. The girls travelled to Paris, France, for the remainder of the competition. This episode they had to pose with male models in lingerie, which made Shannon really horny. Discalimer: I don't like any of those photos...again.

1. Adrianne

I consider this to be the best of the worst. While most of the lingerie is covered, at least I get a sense of an emotion from this photo, which already makes it better than the others.

2. Shannon

A weaker version of Adrianne's photo. Meh - But again, the worst is yet to come.

3. Elyse

I don't like this photo, at all. She looks clumsy and awkward and confused. But she at least tried something different, so I'll give her credit for it.

4. Kesse

This is as dull as dishwater. She's just lying on top of him, not doing anything. Kesse was eliminated this episode, which was heartbreaking, but deserved. She really didn't manage to reach the level of her very first photo ever again.

5. Robin

She looks mean, she doesn't have any connection to the male model at all, she looks old. Yet again, bottom two. I really think she overstayed her welcome by a long shot.

Cycle 1 - Sporty Spice would be proud

Welcome back y'all! This week we are left with 6 girls, because Ebony was eliminated in an episode which didn't have a photoshoot, but a commercial. I wasn't too bummed, since she was awesomely funny, but also really unphotogenic in my opinion.
Now this week the final 6 girls had to do a photoshoot, which was all about movement, for the company Reebok. Let's see some results!

1. Giselle

The pose is absolutely insane, she probably did the best overall on set as well. So, what happened? Right, she was sent home. This is the elimination of Cycle 1 which irks me the most. Why send her home? They blamed some confidence issues, so it was one of the fishy personality-based cuts. I was furious about it, because this girl has the 2nd best portfolio after Adrianne. Speaking of which...

2. Adrianne

She just can't take a bad photo. This is yet again really strong, from the face to the pose.

3. Shannon

While the movement isn't as apparent as in the two photos above her, I still think this looks believable as a Reebok ad. Her body looks insane, I want those abs!

4. Elyse

I think this shot would be miles better without the guy in it, since it somehow looks like she's dry-humping his leg. Other than that this is a solid effort, I like her face in this photo much more than the pose.

5. Robyn

This is just awkward. It isn't as terrible as her previous photos, but it still isn't any good. But hey - I didn't rank her last this time!

6. Kesse

This photo is a big mess, to be quite honest. Kesse is really inconsistent, and this is her all-time low on the show. She looks manic in the face, and distorted in the body.I would have sent her home this week over Giselle in a heartbeat.

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

Cycle 1 - Heiresses of Slytherin

Finally a photoshoot I adore and love, it only took three weeks! And then again, this shoot had some gorgeous and flawless photos, but also some hot messes, which I shall evaluate right now.

1. Adrianne

This photo belongs to my top 2 of the cycle ( the other one also comes from Adrianne, by the way), it's just flawless. I love the eye contact and the make-up, I love the snake, it just all comes together and forms a wonderful photo.

2. Elyse

This picture is often deemed the best in the History. Of. America's. Next. Top. Model. I can see why people love it so much, since it's really simplistic but yet so gorgeous and eye-catching. Miss Elyse really knocked it out of the park this week.

3. Shannon

The third one in the group of practically flawless photos this week. I just adore this look on Shannnon, she already has those angelic features, and here they are enhanced beautifully by the amazing styling. And to contrast that, she has this flirty, yet mischievous look in her eyes. Stunning.

4. Giselle

The last one of the shots I adore. Here it's again the amazing styling which I love, since it further enhances Ginselle's exotic look. Her eyes look so peaceful and serene, and I like the contrast of the snake against her skin.

5. Kesse

What happened to the fierce Kesse from week 1? This is again rather disappointing, albeit not bad. She looks a tad bit confused and startled, but it almost works in favor of this photo.

6. Ebony

Poor thing, this is bad. Not only is it completely vacant, but this is where her skin problems really started to show in photos. Not a desireable shot, but the bottom two are way more terrifying.

7. Nicole

Yeah, she did it again. Her face cannot handle this make-up at all, it just looks like she escaped the Ru Paul's Drag Race casting and decided to join ANTM. She was sent home for this picture, and because she complained to Mr. Jay about some pointless things after she started missing her boyfriend. I was not sad to see her go, since she went downhill after week 1. But despite all the draggalicious qualities of this photo, it still looks somewhat pretty, which can not be said about....

8. Robyn

I do feel horribly biased for ranking her in the bottom two three weeks in a row, but this photo is just painful to look at. Not only does she look draggy, she also looks like she's about to faint. To put it in her own words: OH JEEEESUS - JEEEESUS!!!!

Cycle 1 - Yet Another Bikini Shooting

Welcome back y'all, to another Week of ANTM Cycle 1. This Cycle is actually quite a bore when it comes to photoshoots, like 2/3rds of them contain some sort of lingerie or no clothes at all, and many are just yawn-worthy and mediocre. Like this one, which was a shooting for Stuff Magazine. It's one of the rare occasions where I don't really care for any shot that came out of it. But let's see....

1. Elyse

Gotta give her props for working this sexy shoot, when she failed at it miserably the week prior to this one. She looks pretty damn hot here, and I like the bend in the body.

2. Giselle

This is another good shot for Miss Ginselle, her body looks phenomenal. It does look a teeny tiny bit forced all in all, but it's not offensively bad, like the majority of these photos are.

3. Shannon

Thank god that her photo last week was just a fluke, this is really pretty. That's all I have to say about it though.

4. Ebony

The body looks too manly again for my taste, but she's the only girl to really show some emotion in her face, and therefore she deserves some brownie points. The smile is really gorgeous.

5. Katie

So, Katie was sent home for this shot because the judges thought she looked too sexy, like an FHM girl or somebody along those lines. I call bullshit, because when you want the girls to show versatility, don't do the exact same kind of shooting two times in a row. This photo isn't really good, but it's mediocre enough to keep her around.

6. Adrianne

I love her body here, but she looks just all kinds of stupid in the face. But it still gets worse, watch out!

7. Kesse

What a major step down from last week's kickass photo! Here, Kesse looks all kinds of confused and "amIdoingthisrite?". She got a bottom two for this photo, which I can understand.

8. Nicole

Her body is arguably among the best of this cycle, but this is the first time where you can see how unattractively her face can photograph at times. The snarl doesn't work here at all, and it only accentuates her draggalicious features in all the wrong ways. But wait! I got one more...

9. Robyn

Holy mother of all that is good and pure, save me! She looks like she's 50, again. On top of that she looks bored out of her mind. It's not as offensive as some other photos this week, but here I can't really say that the face redeems the body or the other way around. Second bad photo in a row, well done Miss Thang!

I'm in a bloggy mood tonight, so expect more to be up within the hour :-)

Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

Cycle 1 - J.Lo Bikinis on a Rooftop

I decided to begin with my rankings all the way back in 2003, when the first Cycle of ANTM aired.

Tyra was nice(-r than nowadays), Nigel was nowhere to be seen, Janice Dickinson was there and everything looked pleasantly low-budget. So, in a nutshell, everything was perfect. Or, wait....was it?

Let's just move along with the cycle, week by week, and see.

1. Kesse

This photo of Kesse is all kinds of awesome, what a great way to start the very first episode of the very first cycle ever. The body looks banging, she looks confident, and the swimwear is being sold amazingly well.

2. Katie

This girl is the first one to ever be officially robbed on the show, the judges had the nerve to call her too sexy, when they did two swimwear photos in the first two episodes. Yeah, right? This photo is hot, and among the best.

3. Nicole

Another great shot, her body looks siiiiiick. I do get the slightest hint of what her face looks like in her later photos though, which isn't too good. But overall, this is fabulous.

4. Giselle

Ginselle looks really hot in this photo, her body is great. It's all around good, but not as demanding as the three above.

5. Adrianne

This photo would be awesome, if it weren't for that awakward leg. Her face looks really good and I love her body, but yeah...that giant foot is disturbing.

6. Tessa

So, this is the first girl to ever get eliminated, and I don't think it was a good decision at all, based on the photos that I ranked lower than hers. She looks pretty good here, although the body isn't too flattering at that angle. I wasn't terribly upset with her elimination, but I do think she did well enough to stay.

7. Elyse

This is where the photos are starting to get bad. Elyse looks sick in this photo, like she has a cold and is about to sneeze. Her body doesn't look too hot either, but she isn't a sexy swimsuit type anyway.

8. Ebony

This girl is all kinds of awesome and funny, but I never got her appeal in pictures. Her body looks really manly and the face reads as blank here.

9. Robyn

So, my first candidate for the bottom two is Robyn. This photo is really bland, and she looks old in it. If you get a chance to do so, watch Janice's comments towards this photo during panel. It'll be worth it :-) I would eliminate her for this photo, by the way. It wasn't the worst, that one goes to....

10. Shannon

... because looking like a 40-year old cougar on drugs and meth has never been a good thing, and probabyl will never be one. I present to you the worst shot of the whole cycle, ladies and gentlemen. I see no redeeming feature whatsoever. In the end I would save her though, because I know how the rest of her portfolio looks like.

So, this was the very first ANTM-related post, my blog lost it's virginity one might say. I hope you liked it.