Let's see how it turned out!
1. Sara
Our little Persian Princess turned it out this week, I think this photo is perfect for a shoe ad. She looks very sexy, it's eyecatching and the shoes look awesome.
2. Mercedes
This photo has grown on me a lot, it's actually a really nice one. She looks very hip and modern and I love the kicked up leg, it shows off the shoes very well.
3. April
In any other case I think hiding your face wouldn't have worked, but in this photo it really does, since it's all about the shoes. April looks very vibrant and powerful, and it's visually demanding.
4. Catie
This is a great shot for Catie, I really like the body positioning. The face could have connected a little bit more, but that's the only flaw I can detect.
5. Bethany
I don't think this photo is bad at all, it's actually a really nice shot of the otherwise busty Bethany. I like the creative pose, and I think both her body and face look good in this photo. Sure she lacks any kind of serious fashion potential, but I have to admit that this photo is not bad enough to send her home this week.
6. Jenascia
It's a decent shot, but nothing about it really stands out to me. The shoes look nice, the pose is nice, overall it's nice.
7. Shandi
Shandi herself looks awesome in this photo and she's really showing off the shoes, but this photo is very dull otherwise. I think in this case looking at the camera would have done wonders.
8. Yoanna
Her face once again looks amazing, but it almost looks like she's about to snooze off and fall over in this photo, it lacks power and thus it doesn't make a good shoe ad in my opinion.
9. Xiomara
This photo is bad, but on the show they actually showed a different one which was much much better. And the next two shots about to come up are worse anyway.
10. Camille
How the mighty have fallen! This looks like a cheap porn ad, and nothing more. The pose is raunchy and the makeup is dreadful.
11. Heather
This pose is still the most random pose I have ever seen in any ANTM picture. It looks like she's wiping her butt. That alone makes it the worst of the week, in my opinion.
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