1. Shandi
Not only did she receive by far the best styling ( I adore the Clockwork Orange resemblance), she also knew how to pose like none of the others. This photo looks so effortless, yet strong. Her makeover really took her from dorky librarian to high fashion model.
2. April
Week 3, and April conitnues to steadily deliver amazing pictures. The pose here is very strong and aggressive, and I love her eye contact as well. It's really a shame that there are so few high quality pictures from C2 available.
3. Yoanna
Finally, a shot of Yoanna I truly love. This is the first time that she managed to control both her face and body, and it's a fabulous and strong shot all in all. The short hair also did wonders for her face.
4. Jenascia
This is Jenascia's best photo on the show, and it's a great one. Her face looks very passionate, even though she's not looking at the camera. Due to the angle her legs look shorter, which is why she only gets ranked 4th.
5. Mercedes
This photo of Mercedes is average, but I still quite like the pose and how she managed to control her body. Nice, but nothing outstanding.
6. Catie
She complained times two this episode. First, she cried about her boy-short hair, then she cried because she was afraid of heights. I think Catie was annoying as hell on C2, but the final outcome of her photoshoot is quite good and not elimination worthy.
7. Sara
I always quite liked this photo, but upon closer inspection I notice too many little flaws which make it look awkward, like the stiff neck, the missing leg and the rolled back eyes. Not her best shot.
8. Xiomara
Xiomara was such a sweetheart, but I almost never liked any of her pictures. This one is again quite awkward, but I do like how it looks like she's holding on to the ring for her life. It's better than the two about to come.
9. Heather
After her great start in Week 1, she really crashed and burned. This photo is bland and boring, and at the same time it looks overtly hoochie and quite pornish.
10. Camille
If Heather crashed and burned, Camille exploded. This is just flat out an ugly photo, her face looks like...what does it look like,actually? This should have sent her home, but I wasn't bummed about Heather leaving either.
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