Sonntag, 7. November 2010

Cycle 2 - Plain Janes

What is something any upcoming model has to master? A simple, clean Beautyshot, exactly! So, let's see if our aspiring topmodels managed to work the simplicity of this theme, or if they failed terribly.

1. Yoanna

Her face is her best asset, and therefore she nailed the beautyshoot. Her bones are so interesting to look at, and I like her confident expression in this shot. Yoanna and Beautyshoots are such a kickass combination.

2. April

I love how exotic she looks in this photo, it's really hard to tell her ethnicity, which makes it so much more interesting to look at. Lovely photo.

3. Mercedes

A very beautiful shot of a very beautiful girl. There's so much fire in her eyes here, it's a strong, impressive photo of the otherwise rather cutesy and bubbly Mercedes.

4. Sara

The way she used her hands make this photo a standout, I just wish she would've given more with her expression, it reads as a little blank.

5. Shandi

Pretty photo, but it's a snore. She's not giving much at all, and therefore I don't have anything more to say about this.

6. Catie

I don't even know why, but this photo reminds me of a little boy. I don't like it, but I can't put my finger on why exactly that is.

7. Camille

After a good week, Miss Camille is back at the bottom of my rankings. This photo is again just wrong, from the O.O expression to the way she's holding her head and is making her neck disappear.

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