Sonntag, 7. November 2010

Cycle 2 - Ah Lurve Nudiddy

The final four travelled to an old Italian mansion where they had to pose in pairs, and completely nude. Did I call Shandi's Solstice my favourite photo of the cycle? Well, in fact the following shot trumps even that....

1. Mercedes and 2.April

Perfection. This photo looks so genuine and real, there's a depth and intimacy about it that really draws me in. It's just beautiful. April was eliminated this week, which was highly undeserved. Boo hiss!

3. Yoanna and 4. Shandi

This is not necessarily a bad photo, but where Mercedes and April looked like real lovers, this one looks rather awkward, especially Shandi. Yoanna looks really hot, but they don't share a real connection and thus I don't buy this shot as a whole.

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